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Information below came directly from website above:
UGA Calculated Grade Point Average mid-range/average: 3.97 – 4.22, with a 4.08 average
Please remember this is not the GPA students see on their high school transcript, but rather the GPA that UGA recalculates for everyone based on the core academic courses taken in high school and looking at the actual grades posted on the transcripts. Roughly 88% of the HS core grades were A’s, and 11+% were B’s.
AP/IB/Dual Enrollment course mid-range/average: 7-12 courses, average of 9
The information below came directly from the website above:ove:es a student has taken (CP, Honors, Advanced, AP, IB, DE, etc.) as compared to what is offered in the school/community. This is not based simply on the number of AP/IB/DE courses, but instead we look at the overall coursework over four years in the core areas and the progression of rigor over the years. The AP/IB/DE information is the most specific data I can give on it, but the numbers do not cover all of our curriculum review.
SAT Best Score SAT Total (Using SAT or converted ACT) mid-range: 1320-1460
Best score data is the strongest of the SAT or the converted ACT for each admit
ACT Best Score Composite (Using ACT or converted SAT mid-range): 28-33
Remember, UGA focuses on ACT E and M. For reporting purposes, we give out the best score overall ACT score, but the ACT E and M are very similar to the overall score.