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Education Blog

Get In The Know - Zell Scholarship

Wendy Williams

More and more clients inquire about what students need for the Zell Miller Scholarship.

Williams Educational Consultants hopes that the information below will clear up what students need for the scholarship and how and when to apply!

What is Georgia's Zell Miller Scholarship?:

This scholarship provides money to assist Georgia residents with the tuition cost of attending a Georgia college.

How can students track their status?:

Georgia public and private high school students can track their Zell Miller Scholarship status from high school through their GAfutures account at My High School HOPE GPA.

What are the requirements needed to earn the scholarship?

Georgia’s Zell Miller Scholarship has program eligibility requirements, academic requirements, and a length of eligibility:

  1. High schools and home study programs located in Georgia must be accredited an approved agencies, like Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Georgia Accrediting Commission, Georgia Association of Christian Schools, Association of Christian Schools International, Georgia Private School Accreditation Council, Southern Association of Independent Schools or Georgia Independent School Association.

  2. Graduate with a minimum 3.7 Calculated HOPE GPA. (must see your "MY HIGH SCHOOL HOPE GPA) on GA FUTURES website.

  3. Earn a minimum of four full rigor credits from the Academic Rigor Course List.

  4. Earn required test scores prior to high school graduation.

    1. Minimum Test Score Requirement **DOES NOT SUPERSCORE!

      1. An ACT composite score of 26 on a single national or state/district administration

      2. A SAT total test score of 1200 on a single national administration

How do students apply?

Students have two options when applying for the Zell Miller Scholarship:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or,

  2. Complete the online Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFAPP)

Note: The FAFSA must be completed each year. The GSFAPP remains valid for 10 years.

When do students need to apply by?

The application deadline is the last day of the school term or a student's withdrawal date, whichever occurs first. DO NOT WAIT!!!

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