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Education Blog

How to Decide Which College To Attend

Wendy Williams

Congratulations! It’s that time of the year for college admissions letters to arrive. Now you get to make the decision about which school is best for you.

To get a little more information about the colleges you were accepted to, create a list of questions you still have. Here are a few examples:

-How many students return after freshman year? -How many students graduate in four years? -What can I do for fun on or around campus? -Does the college offer many majors that I am interested in? -What Professors are teaching my major classes? -What kind of students feel at home at this college? -What are my aid packages?

You can find answers to these questions by asking people who work at the college, current students or simply get online and look at the college’s official website. You might want to ask your Guidance Counselor or Educational Consultant about your acceptances. These professionals might know a current student attending your college of interest. Some other things that can help you make a decision are revisiting the campus and reaching out to the Admissions person in your area.

This is a time that I encourage lists! Be sure to write down your thoughts, feelings, pro and cons about each school. Ask yourself how you felt when you were on campus during your visit, which college best matches your academic profile and your social needs? Which college can you imagine yourself being happy and successful?

Next, compare each school’s financial aid awards. Talk with your family about which school works best financially and about whether you should get a student loan or participate in a work study program. Many colleges expect a final decision from you by May 1st, so use your time wisely over the next few weeks to make your decision.

If you don’t send in your deposit to your choice on time, you could lose your place and have difficulty with your dorm selection. Good luck and congratulations on this next chapter in your life!!



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