Summer programs are canceling! So now what do students do this summer? The schools were moved to virtual learning in March which meant very little to none physical interaction, now we are in mid-April (close enough) and we are still quarantined. My guess is that some students are surviving this time because of their summer plans, but now those might be questionable. So what do we tell our students who are still indoors, gazing at computer screens waiting for the school year to resolve?

The best advice that I have for students regarding their summer plans is to continue learning, reading, interacting with friends even if it's physically at a distance, but most importantly stay on a schedule!
Today, the Chronicle released an article that highlights programs that are canceled for the upcoming season. However, many have turned moved toward their virtual platform - Check it out - Summer has never been a great time to become lazy, and I do not think that this summer is any different. Here are some tips that Williams Educational suggests for making your student's summer interactive and fun.
Get creative. Think about something that your child enjoys and dig deep into the subject matter. For example, gaming. What is it about the gaming world that is so attractive? Would your student like to better understand how platforms are built? How do players connect? Or simply how to code? Does your child have an imagination? Start a book club or enter into a literary program online. My point is if your child has a unique interest or passion then get creative with exploring how your student can really tap into their attraction.
Create Connections. You would be surprised to realize how many people you know in various careers. These are connectsions for your high school student to learn about what various careers entail. Take time to look over your social media accounts and build a list of your connections. Once you have your list, talk with your student about who he or she might want to connect with to learn more about their career. Then help your student setup a meeting with that individual to learn about their academic history and current job market.
Explore Neighborhoods. Summer is a great time to implement a steady exercise routine. One of my favorite programs, and I know I am biased is Peloton. You don't have to have their bike to use their amazing coaches and classes. They have everything from Yoga to Bootcamp to Cycling to Running to Outdoors and more. You don't have to choose Peloton, but you do need to exercise. It's well worth your emotional, physical and mental well-being to get active.
Just because your camp or summer program might be closed this May, don't let it stop you. Instead, use this summer to explore the world, meet new people, learn more about your true interests and gain insight into your own passions. As an Independent Educational Consultant, I help students discover their passions, unveil their educational opportunities and thrive in their success. Summer is here and we don't have to let it be another season known for quarantine. If you are unsure about what your student can do this summer, call us!