Williams Educational Consultants often is asked by students this question:
My deadline is November 15th. Does that mean I can submit my application on November 15th?

The quick answer is "YES." Students who have an application that needs to be submitted by November 15th can still hit their submit button on November 15th! Unless otherwise stated, electronic applications are due by midnight of the deadline day.
However, please do not wait until midnight. Williams Educational Consultants recommends applying as soon as possible to ensure that the application submission has no glitches or problems. Additionally, some colleges have students complete additional information, which is provided to the student after the application has been submitted. Please note that all materials must be in by November 15th unless otherwise stated by the university admissions office.
Students next important deadline is December 1st.
Please remember to complete the CSS PROFILE and FAFSA. The clock is ticking. Applications are being filed and read by admissions, especially for early action deadlines!