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Education Blog

Oglethorpe University Hosts Workshops

Wendy Williams


The Oglethorpe Office of Admissions is hosting a few upcoming events, and YOU are invited! Be sure to mark your calendars as these events are designed to help you through the most complex parts of the college application process—you won’t want to miss them!

On Saturday, September 30th there will be a college essay writing workshop, hosted by published author, Betty Londergan. During this empowering interactive workshop, you will be given tips and tricks as to how to most effectively communicate your story in your application. If interested in this event, please RSVP here.

Later in the Fall, there will be a series of financial planning & fast application workshops. The goal of these workshops is to help you complete your application and equip parents with financial strategies for success. Admission Counselors will help students complete their applications and ensure that all admission requirements are completed. Additionally, parents will hear from both Oglethorpe University’s Director of Financial Aid and a financial planner—both of whom will provide valuable content about how to claim your state and federal awards, leverage current investments, and minimize debt. Registration for this informative event will begin September 15th.

To learn more about these events, please click here.

I hope you’ll take advantage of these awesome opportunities!



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