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Education Blog

SENIORS - May 1st Is Today!

Wendy Williams

Williams Educational Consultants would LOVE to celebrate with you on social media!

Tag me in your posts as you let your friends and family know where you will be going this fall!

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May 1st - National College Day (AKA Deposit deadline) – Typically, colleges will have a deposit deadline of May 1st. You may have already signaled your intent to enroll, but now it's time to commit financially. For colleges that you are saying "no, thank you" to, please let them know so that another student can come off of the wait-list!

Thank you letters - Before you receive your diploma and walk across the stage, remember one thing - you didn't get here by yourself. Chances are, many people helped you through high school—for instance, your parents, teachers, counselor, etc. Take the time to write personalized thank you letters, especially to those who wrote college recommendation letters.

AP exams & Finals May is always filled with AP Exams! These are great assessments that could earn you college credit, so prepare and do your best. A high score or 4 or 5 on your AP exam will translate to college credit. Some high schools have finals or last projects, be sure to complete all assessments to your best ability!



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