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Education Blog

Wendy Williams

Thursday Thoughts

As a community, we have sheltered in place for six weeks or more and have done all we could to help our elderly, the sick, and ourselves. As a small business owner, I have worked many days and nights from my dining room table, while listening to my three sons and their classmates. With school coming to a close in the next few weeks and companies opening up, it will be critical to continue your college admissions process. 

Some students have put their plans on hold to learn how this new normal will impact their choices. Throughout this pandemic, I have suggested that students continue with their plans. I encourage each of you to prepare for standardized tests, connect with college admissions officers, attend virtual campus visits, and explore possible majors of interest. I genuinely believe that you not only have an advantage of time, but an opportunity to explore the college admissions world like never before. Colleges have opened up their campuses virtually to you and are available to help more than ever now.

If you are a junior, it is time to reach out to teachers for recommendation letters. These recommendation letters need to be from a teacher who taught you in a core class during the 11th and 12th grades. It is crucial to choose your recommender carefully. Think about a teacher who saw your strengths in the classroom and who can portray those strengths in writing. The best letters of recommendation include examples, anecdotes, and illustrations of your qualities. As always, you will waive your rights to see the recommendation letter on your applications. It is time to launch the Common Application ( and/or The Coalition for College ( When filling out these applications, I recommend that you complete all questions, including your activities section, before planning for your college personal statement. 

Sophomores and Juniors should be planning, preparing, and registering for standardized tests. Here are the updates on both SAT and ACT offerings:

From CollegeBoard:

If it’s safe from a public health standpoint, SAT administrations will take place every month through the end of the calendar year. Future test dates are August 29th, September 26th, October 3rd, November 7th, and December 5th.

From ACT:

ACT has not canceled its upcoming June test date on the 13th. Future test dates are July 18th, October 24th, and December 12th. 

As for summer plans, I know that a lot of programs have been canceled or moved to virtual platforms. I encourage students to be active this summer and find ways to continue to learn and expand their skillset. If you need assistance exploring summer opportunities, planning for standardized testing, or working on applications, please set up a time to speak with me.

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